Birthday Card for a Man

Hi :)
I usually have a problem when I need to make card for a man.
I'm very often not sure about the colors and embellishments 
if I should add flowers or not?
When I saw new paper collection from Galeria Papieru - Beautiful Mind
 I knew I'm going to love those papers :)
They are perfect for any masculine project :)

Please visit Scrap & Craft, we have lots of new products :)

Thank you xx

Products used:



  1. Patrząc na tę kartkę, nie wierzę, że masz problem z mękimi kartkami, jest super.... ja mam dopiero problem, muszę zrobić kartkę w większym formacie dla naszego wieloletniego dyrektora, który idzie na emeryturę... ach gdybyż to była kobieta....

  2. What a gorgeous masculine card this is!! I have trouble with them, too but you've done an amazing job!! I love all of the details you added and the beautiful papers!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Gorgeous card! Love the colors and all the details, especially the stitching.


Dziękuję za poświęconą chwilę i dobre słowo.
Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!