I want spring / Chcę wiosny :)

Hi everyone :)
Happy Sunday!!
It's nice and sunny today :) 
I woke up early and thought I'll make a spring card :)

Miłej niedzieli!!
Dziś jest ładnie i słonecznie u nas :)
Obudziłam się wczesnym rankiem i pomyślałam, że zrobię kartkę wiosenną :)
I've used free gift from Simply Cards & Papercraft magazine - Clearly Besotted stamps .
Użyłam stempelków Clearly Besotted, które były darmowym dodatkiem w magazynie Simply Cards & Papercraft.

I would love to also share some news :) I've joined Scrapiniec DT :)
Chciałabym także podzielić się nowinką, dołączyłam do Scrapińcowego zespołu projektantek :)

Thank you :)
Hugss xx


  1. ja też tesknię za wiosną twoja kartka jest swietna i wiosenna

  2. I want spring too! We had a lovely (but very cold) day yesterday, but there was still lots of snow left from the day before. And today we had a yucky cloudy day and about one hour ago it started snowing again. :S I just hope the snow won't stick to the ground, because if it does it won't be "fun" driving to work tomorrow.
    Anyways, enought about the yucky weather. I came here to admire your card. :) It's very bautiful and it really screams "spring". You did a fab job with it!
    Hugs! xx

  3. What a beautiful card its lovely and spring looking it's cold and snowy here and im freezing as im writing this comment.
    Debs xxx
    {Debs Cards– my personal blog}

  4. What an absolutely gorgeous card!! I love the pretty springy colors!! The design is fabulous and the colors are beautiful!! I love, love this!! Congrats on your new DT!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Your spring card is so beautiful! Love the soft colors you've chosen. Congrats on your new design team too!

  6. gratulajcje .... a karteczka bardzo świeża i lekka

  7. Absolutely stunning card, so pretty. Congrats on your new DT xx


Dziękuję za poświęconą chwilę i dobre słowo.
Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!